Our Mission
Together we proclaim and embody God's unconditional love for the sake of the world.

Our Priorities
- Claiming Our Gifts - Teach, proclaim and share the significance of our ELCA way of being part of Christ’s Church with a clear and contagious vision from abundance
- Connecting in Ministry and Witness - Foster a Spirit of active collaboration and intentional connection across our Synod
- Equipping All Leaders - Build healthy and vibrant faith communities by equipping lay leaders, pastors, and deacons for excellence in leadership
- Accompanying One another into God’s Future - Seek and promote new ways of being Christ’s Church together in the world
- Growing in Generosity - Strengthen our financial capacity for ministry and witness relying on a spirituality of generosity and abundance
Statement of Welcome
We as the Rocky Mountain Synod, ELCA welcome all into the fullness of God’s love. This welcome is inclusive of people of every race, national origin, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, physical or mental ability, sex, or station in life. Rather than using our differences to divide us, we pledge to use our differences as gifts for our work together.”
Our Values and Commitments
- Reconciling in Christ
- AMMPARO Welcoming Synod
- Sanctuary Denomination
- Condemnation of White Supremacy & Racist Rhetoric
Our engagement as a public church are guided by our social teachings.